Описание: Part I: Introducing SpriteBuilder and Cocos2D-iphone version 3
Ch. 1: Introduction
Ch. 2: Laying the Groundwork
Ch. 3: Controlling and Scrolling
Ch. 4: Physics and Collisions
Ch. 5: Timelines and Triggers
Ch. 6: Menus and Popovers
Part II: Getting Down to Business with SpriteBuilder
Ch. 7: MainScene and GameState
Ch. 8: Selecting and Unlocking Levels
Ch. 9: Physics Joints
Ch. 10: Soft-Body Plastics
Part III: Now Youre a SpriteBuilder Pro!
Ch. 11: Audio and Labels
Ch. 12: Visual Effects and Animations
Ch. 13: Porting to Android
Ch. 14: Debugging and Best Practices