Автор: Thon Jan Noel Название: Transmedial Narratology and Contemporary Media CultureИздательство: Wiley EDCКлассификация:
ISBN: 0803277202
ISBN-13(EAN): 9780803277205
Обложка/Формат: HardbackСтраницы: 558 Вес: 1.036 кг. Дата издания: 01.08.2016Серия: Frontiers of narrative Язык: English Иллюстрации: 80 illustrations Размер: 164 x 262 x 45 Читательская аудитория: General (us: trade)Рейтинг: Поставляется из: Англии Описание: Narratives are everywhere—and since a significant part of contemporary media culture is defined by narrative forms, media studies need a genuinely transmedial narratology. Against this background, Transmedial Narratology and Contemporary Media Culture focuses on the intersubjective construction of storyworlds as well as on prototypical forms of narratorial and subjective representation.
This book provides not only a method for the analysis of salient transmedial strategies of narrative representation in contemporary films, comics, and video games but also a theoretical frame within which medium-specific approaches from literary and film narratology, from comics studies and game studies, and from various other strands of media and cultural studies may be applied to further our understanding of narratives across media.
Дополнительное описание: List of Illustrations
1. Toward a Transmedial Narratology
Part 1. Storyworlds across Media
2. The Storyworld as a Transmedial Concept
3. Narrative Representation