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BRS: Physiology 6 ed., Costanzo Linda S

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Автор: Costanzo Linda S
Название:  BRS: Physiology 6 ed.   (Физиология)
Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 1469832003
ISBN-13(EAN): 9781469832005
Обложка/Формат: Paperback
Вес: 0.546 кг.
Дата издания: 25.05.2014
Серия: Board review series
Издание: International editio
Иллюстрации: 145
Размер: 210 X 150 X 22
Читательская аудитория: Professional & vocational
Поставляется из: Англии
Описание: Be prepared—for the course and the Boards—with BRS Physiology, Sixth Edition. This bestselling book provides over 350 USMLE-style questions with complete answers and explanations, chapter-ending exams and a comprehensive USMLE-format examination at the end of the book, and is enhanced by full-color illustrations and tables.   Offered in both print and online formats, the book boosts confidence and provides maximum accessibility and portability for in-class or on-the-go learning.   • Maximize study time with the Board Review Series quick scan outline format.  • Prepare for the Boards with more than 350 USMLE-style questions and answers.  • Master core topics tested on the USMLE Step 1 exam with focused coverage of Key Physiology Topics and Key Physiology Equations.  • See the connection between physiology and clinical medicine through clinical correlations.  • Practice for the board examination using the comprehensive end-of-book exam.  • Master key facts and information with the book’s full-color design, flow charts, illustrations, and tables that summarize information for convenient review.  • Online interactive quiz bank that includes all the book’s questions for unlimited practice.
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      Новое издание
BRS Physiology 7 ed

Автор: Costanzo Linda S.
Название: BRS Physiology 7 ed
ISBN: 1496367618 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781496367617
Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Цена: 76220 T
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.
Описание: The leading physiology book on the market, this bestselling title in the Board Review Series offers a concise, highly efficient review of all essential physiology concepts covered in the first and second year of medical school, as well as more than 350 clinical vignette-style multiple-choice questions to help students prepare for course exams and practice for the USMLE Step 1. Abundant illustrations, flow charts, and tables facilitate study. An interactive question bank on thePoint uses the same chapter and comprehensive exam questions from the book to provide interactive exam practice online.
Students will appreciate the book's comprehensive, yet efficient assistance in preparing for course exams as well as the USMLE Step 1.
Instructors will welcome the masterful educational approach of Linda S. Costanzo, PhD, who excels in communicating complex physiology concepts in an accessible manner. A comprehensive image bank on thePoint makes preparing lecture slides a snap.

  • A concise outline format and bolded key terms enable efficient review and exam preparation.
  • Discussions of clinical disorders, integrated throughout the text, correlate physiology concepts to the practice of medicine.
  • Chapter overviews and summaries offer a quick introduction and review of key topics and information, to maximize study time.
  • More than 350 multiple-choice questions and answers, many of them new and revised, help students prepare for course and board exams. These include many new multi-part questions that challenge students' decision-making skills.
  • Detailed answers and explanations for every question, cross-referenced back to the text, allow students to remediate weak areas of knowledge.
  • New appendices allow for an efficient review of Key Physiology Topics for USMLE Step I, Key Physiology Equations for USMLE Step I, and Normal Blood Values.
  • 130 outstanding full-color figures and flow diagrams and 50 tables, many of them new, allow for efficient assimilation of complex information, and are included in the instructor Image Bank on ThePoint.
  • Significant updates throughout present the latest physiology knowledge, including expanded coverage of cellular, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal, and endocrine physiology.

      Старое издание
BRS Physiology, 5 ed. IE

Автор: Costanzo
Название: BRS Physiology, 5 ed. IE
ISBN: 1451103387 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781451103380
Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Цена: 18630 T
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.
Описание: Thoroughly updated for its Fifth Edition, BRS Physiology is an excellent aid for students preparing for the USMLE Step 1. The book concisely reviews key physiological principles and includes clinical correlations throughout to emphasize connections between basic physiology and clinical medicine. Numerous illustrations, tables, and flow charts help students visualize material quickly and aid in long-term retention. End-of-chapter USMLE-style questions and a comprehensive end-of-book exam test the student's problem-solving skills, and clearly explained answers guide the student through the correct steps in reasoning. This edition features increased coverage of pathophysiology, new questions, and a new two-color design and artwork.

Renal Physiology: Mosby Physiology Monograph Series

Автор: Bruce M. Koeppen
Название: Renal Physiology: Mosby Physiology Monograph Series
ISBN: 0323086918 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780323086912
Издательство: Elsevier Science
Цена: 5210 T
Наличие на складе: Есть
Описание: Renal Physiology helps you to quickly and easily grasp the fundamentals of renal physiology and learn how to apply them in a clinical context. Thoroughly updated, this medical textbook in the Mosby Physiology Monograph Series provides a basic understanding of normal kidney function at the cellular and molecular level. Attractively illustrated with clear 2-color diagrams, it also facilitates study with learning objectives, "In the Clinic" and "At the Molecular Level" boxes, chapter summaries, and clinical cases with review questions and explained answers. Online access at makes this an even more accessible powerful learning resource. Stay current with clear, accurate coverage of the physiology of normal renal function focusing on the needs of the student. Bridge the gap between normal function and disease with pathophysiology content throughout the book. Understand complex concepts by examining more than more than 250 clear, 2-color diagrams. Consult the book and image library online at Student Consult, anywhere you go ... perform quick searches ... add your own notes and bookmarks ... and more! Put theory into practice with "In the Clinic" or "At the Molecular Level " boxes in each chapter that explain the practical applications of fundamental knowledge. Deepen your understanding of fundamental and advanced information with an expanded collection of review questions reviewed and reorganized by chapter. Master the material more easily with learning objectives, overview boxes, key words and concepts, and chapter summaries. Apply what you've learned to real-life clinical situations with clinical cases in question-answer format at the end of each chapter.

Physiology Cases and Problems

Автор: Costanzo Linda
Название: Physiology Cases and Problems
ISBN: 1451120613 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781451120615
Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Цена: 45000 T
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.
Описание: Physiology Cases and Problems, Fourth Edition is a collection of carefully selected patient case studies that cover the clinically relevant physiology topics that first and second year medical students need to know for physiology coursework and for the USMLE Step 1. Organized by body system, the book presents cases studies with questions and problems, followed by complete explanations and solutions including diagrams, graphs, and charts. Students may use this book alone, in small groups, or as a complement to BRS Physiology. Either way, it is intended to be a dynamic, working book that challenges its users to think more critically about physiologic principles. This book includes a number of features to help students master the principles of physiology: 62 cases organized by body system to help students integrate material Several expanded cases, including myasthenia gravis, atrioventricular conduction block, carbon monoxide poisoning, peptic ulcer disease, galactorrhea and amenorrhea, and prolactinoma 2 new cases on Chronic Renal Failure, Liver Failure and Hepatorenal Syndrome New full-color interior, tables, and illustrations Within each case, questions are arranged sequentially so that they intentionally build upon each other Question difficulty varies from basic to challenging, recognizing the progression that most students make Major equations are presented in boldface type, followed by explanations of all terms Key topics are listed at the end of each case so that students may focus their study Common Abbreviations are presented on the inside front cover, and normal values and constants are presented on the inside back cover Online access to Ebook

Physiology, 5th Edition.

Автор: Linda S. Costanzo
Название: Physiology, 5th Edition.
ISBN: 145570847X ISBN-13(EAN): 9781455708475
Издательство: Elsevier Science
Цена: 39070 T
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.

Clear, consistent, and user-friendly, the updated edition of "Physiology," by renowned physiology instructor Dr. Linda Costanzo, offers a comprehensive overview of core physiologic concepts at the organ system and cellular levels. It presents information in a short, simple, and focused manner, making it an ideal combination textbook and review guide for the USMLE Step 1. You'll grasp all the essential and relevant physiology knowledge you need for absolute success in school and on your exams

Anatomy & Physiology For Dummies

Автор: Siegfried Donna Rae
Название: Anatomy & Physiology For Dummies
ISBN: 0470923261 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780470923269
Издательство: Wiley
Цена: 10740 T
Наличие на складе: Есть
Описание: Anatomy s anatomical structures, and gain insights into how the structures and systems function in sickness and health. Specific updates in the new edition include: Updated information on how systems function in illness and in health The most current teaching techniques Newest health discoveries and insights into how the body works Updated examples and case studies

Lippincotts Illustrated Reviews : Physiology, International Edition

Автор: Preston
Название: Lippincotts Illustrated Reviews : Physiology, International Edition
ISBN: 1451175671 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781451175677
Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Цена: 21570 T
Наличие на складе: Есть
Описание: Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Physiology brings physiology clearly into focus, telling the story of who we are, how we live, and, ultimately, how we die. By first identifying organ function and then showing how cells and tissues are designed to fulfill that function, Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Physiology decodes this discipline like no other text or review book. Each element was tailored for ease of use and fast content absorption, all combining to bring this story to life for readers. Visionary artwork, Clinical Applications, and Unit Review Questions teach and reinforce the most essential concepts in physiology—perfect for classroom learning and test/boards preparation!Features:More than 600 lively, full-color illustrations, the hallmark of the series, painstakingly, and often humorously, guide readers step by step through complex processes.Overviews and Chapter Summaries set clear goals for topic mastery and reemphasize essential concepts from each chapter in a coherent framework.Clinical Applications boxes and clinical images encourage readers to apply their knowledge, taking them from the classroom to the bedside.Margin Example Equation boxes and in-text boxes highlight memorable information and keep physiology in a real-world context.Consistent outline format makes critical information easy to access and assimilate.Cross references and Infolinks to topics within this book are keyed to page headers to expedite location and are also provided for topics in other books in the series for an interdisciplinary grasp of key concepts.Unit-review questions in board-review style test understanding of fundamental concepts as well as the ability to draw connections among multiple organ systems.Bonus Material:Full-color animations that bring physiologic concepts to life.USMLE and COMLEX-style questions and online access to an online e-book.Study resources include a map cross-referencing to BRS Physiology that gives users a more complete explanation of difficult concepts.

Ganong`s Review of Medical Physiology, 25 ed.

Автор: Barrett, Kim E. Barman, Susan M. Boitano, Scott Brooks, Heddwen L.
Название: Ganong`s Review of Medical Physiology, 25 ed.
ISBN: 1259255387 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781259255380
Издательство: McGraw-Hill
Цена: 51360 T
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.
Описание: For more than four decades, Ganong`s Review of Medical Physiology has been helping those in the medical field understand human and mammalian physiology.

Color Atlas of Physiology

Автор: Stefan Silbernagl
Название: Color Atlas of Physiology
ISBN: 3135450066 ISBN-13(EAN): 9783135450063
Издательство: Thieme Verlagsgruppe
Цена: 33320 T
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.
Описание: Now in its sixth edition, Color Atlas of Physiology covers the entire subject of human physiology and brilliantly reviews everything medical students need to know to pass their pre-clinical physiology exams. Sections include the nerves and muscles, blood, respiration, the cardiovascular system, digestion, and reproduction. Providing a concise review of each thematic unit, the popular and proven layout of the books double-page spreads with color illustrations and accompanying text allows for speedy comprehension and recall of key concepts. This new edition includes recent scientific developments, especially regarding the successful application of molecular biology and gene technology concepts to physiology. It also takes into account the latest research on brain function.Innovative features in this edition:- Completely new material on thirst and regulation of salt and water balance, consciousness and sleep, and molecular mechanisms of long-term potentiation- Incorporation of the latest findings in areas such as body-weight regulation, memory, the sleep-wake cycle, iron metabolism, blood coagulation, and sound transduction- Visual highlighting of clinically relevant and pathophysiologic information, and clinical key words on every pageIn its time-tested compact, and user-friendly format, Color Atlas of Physiology, sixth edition, as an invaluable and ideal study guide and reference for medical students preparing for their examination in physiology.Stefan Silbernagl, MD, Professor, Department of Physiology, University of Wuerzburg,Wuerzburg, Germany.Agamemnon Despopoulos, MD, Professor, formerly Scientific Advisor to Ciba-Geigy,Basel, Switzerland.

Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Physiology

Автор: Mitchell L. Halperin
Название: Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Physiology
ISBN: 1416024425 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781416024422
Издательство: Elsevier Science
Цена: 49260 T
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.
Описание: Offers an advice on the bedside management of acid-base and electrolyte disorders. This title synthesizes key theoretical and clinical information in a way that is easy to understand and apply. It provides discussions on the science, and various cases, discoveries, and approaches in intensive care to help you make the best management decisions.

Physiology of the Heart, 5e

Автор: Katz
Название: Physiology of the Heart, 5e
ISBN: 1608311716 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781608311712
Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Цена: 85120 T
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.
Описание: Dr. Arnold Katz's internationally acclaimed classic, Physiology of the Heart , is now in its thoroughly revised Fifth Edition, incorporating the latest molecular biology research and extensively exploring the clinical applications of these findings. In the single authored, expert voice that is this book's unique strength, Dr. Katz provides a comprehensive overview of the physiological and biophysical basis of cardiac function, beginning with structure and proceeding to biochemistry, biophysics, and pathophysiology in arrhythmias, ischemia, and heart failure. Emphasis is on the interrelationships of basic processes among the cell, cardiac muscle function, and the biophysics of contractile and electrical behavior. This edition includes new material on cell signaling and molecular biology.

Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials

Автор: West John B.
Название: Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials
ISBN: 149631011X ISBN-13(EAN): 9781496310118
Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Цена: 30330 T
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.
Описание: West’s Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials is the gold standard text for learning respiratory physiology quickly and easily. This highly readable, must-have text serves as an introduction to students and a review for licensing and other exams. The Tenth Edition features the addition of Dr. Andrew M. Luks as co-author along with new clinical vignettes, additional multiple-choice review questions, and updated information on key topics in respiratory physiology, such as blood flow and metabolism, gas transport by the blood, and the physiology of high altitude. New! Clinical vignettes with questions emphasize how the physiology described can be applied to clinical situations and reinforce reasoning and critical thinking. More than 100 multiple-choice questions with full explanations provide self-testing of key concepts for comprehension and exam preparation. Clinical boxes and Key Concepts summaries provide bullet-point reviews. Appendices of important equations and answers to all questions are easily referenced. Online resources include animations that expand on and clarify challenging topics, an interactive question bank , and lectures by Dr. West.

Medical Physiology , Principles for Clinical Medicine, 4/e ,

Автор: Rodney A. Rhoades
Название: Medical Physiology , Principles for Clinical Medicine, 4/e ,
ISBN: 1451110391 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781451110395
Издательство: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Цена: 49900 T
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.
Описание: Designed For Medical Students, Medical Physiology: Principles For Clinical Medicine Clearly And Concisely Presents The Physiological Concepts That Are Essential To Clinical Medicine. Each Chapter Emphasizes Conceptual Diagrams To Facilitate Comprehension Of Difficult Concepts, And Applies Basic Clinical Concepts In Both Normal And Abnormal Conditions To Illustrate How Physiology Serves As An Important Basis For Diagnosis And Treatment. Outstanding Pedagogical Features Emphasize Problem-Solving Processes: Clinical Foucs Boxes And From Bench To Bedside Boxes; A Comprehensive Glossary; And Online Usmle-Style Review Questions With Answers And Explanations.

Endocrine and Reproductive Physiology,

Автор: Bruce White
Название: Endocrine and Reproductive Physiology,
ISBN: 0323087043 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780323087049
Издательство: Elsevier Science
Цена: 32270 T
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.
Описание: Part of the "The Mosby Physiology Monograph Series", this title explains the fundamentals of endocrine physiology in a clear and concise manner. It provides you with a basic understanding of how the endocrine system functions in health and disease.

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