Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Magowan, Brian
Новое издание
Автор: Magowan, Brian A. Owen, Philip, MB BCh MD FRCOG, Dr. Thomson, Andrew, MBBCh, MD, FRCOG, Dr. Название: Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology ISBN: 0702074047 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780702074042 Издательство: Elsevier Science Цена: 40770 T Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка. Описание:
The fourth edition of this highly regarded textbook has been thoroughly overhauled. There is
? a new chapter bridging the gap between learning and doing (On-Call);
? new coverage of FGM and the Zika virus;
? sepsis has been updated;
? there is access to a further five chapters online;
? there are ten videos to guide learners through the more difficult, complex issues they might face in O&G;
? and new self-assessment has been written to help with testing understanding.
Автор: Arulkumaran, S Название: Emergencies in Obstetrics and Gynaecology ISBN: 0198567308 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780198567301 Издательство: Oxford Academ Рейтинг: Цена: 15170 T Наличие на складе: Есть Описание: This essential handbook provides a practical, accessible guide to emergency situations encountered in obstetrics and gynaecology from the immediately life-threatening to the smaller but urgent problems that may arise. It is concise and didactic, and complements the Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Автор: Collins, Sally; Arulkumaran, Sabaratnam; Hayes, Ke Название: Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology ISBN: 0199227241 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780199227242 Издательство: Oxford Academ Рейтинг: Цена: 27080 T Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии. Описание: It's finally here: the brand new edition of this bestselling handbook of obstetrics and gynaecology. The new author team of both UK trainees and highly experienced obstetricians and gynaecologists have put together a wealth of practical advice on diagnosing and managing common problems and emergencies.
Автор: Arulkumaran, Sarabatnam; Regan, Lesley; Farquharso Название: Oxford Desk Reference: Obstetrics and Gynaecology ISBN: 0199552215 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780199552214 Издательство: Oxford Academ Рейтинг: Цена: 108380 T Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии. Описание: A concise, evidence-based textbook collating the key recommendations that practising obstetricians and gynaecologists need to know. The easily accessible format allows for quick consultation whilst in the clinic or on the ward.
Название: Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Third Edition ISBN: 0199698406 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780199698400 Издательство: Oxford Academ Рейтинг: Цена: 33410 T Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка. Описание: The ultimate guide to Europe`s biggest football event produced by the football betting experts at the Racing Post, including Mark Langdon. Featuring profiles of every team, analysis of every group and an informative and accessible stats guide charting the fortunes of every team in the tournament since Portugal won the trophy in France in 2016. With a range of fascinating features, it`s the perfect companion to the big match and your best bet for a profitable Euro 2020.
Автор: Darryl Maxwell Название: Surgical Techniques in Obstetrics and Gynaecology ISBN: 0443071497 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780443071492 Издательство: Elsevier Science Рейтинг: Цена: 64560 T Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка. Описание: Covering all the basic principles of operating in the pelvis region for both obstetric and gynaecological operations, this text helps trainees understand the principles of a sound surgical approach and provides very basic and detailed information that is often hard to find in more exhaustive surgical O&G texts. It concentrates on standard operations - such as hysterectomy and laparoscopy - that all trainees need to know to pass their exams and become a competent specialist.
Автор: Wladimiroff Juiry Название: Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology + CD ISBN: 0444518290 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780444518293 Издательство: Elsevier Science Рейтинг: Цена: 56060 T Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка. Описание: Each book provides a review of the basic science, recent concepts in pathophysiology, clinical aspects, treatment and unresolved problems or controversies, as well as the major recent references. A final section provides multiple-choice questions for each chapter.
Автор: Barry O`Reilly Название: Saunders` Pocket Essentials Of Obstetrics & Gynaecology ISBN: 0702026646 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780702026645 Издательство: Elsevier Science Рейтинг: Цена: 26330 T Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка. Описание: This is a concise handbook of obstetrics and gynaecology that covers normal and abnormal labour, problems and diseases of gynaecology, and emergencies. The book is part of the growing "Pocket Essentials" series, edited by Kumar and Clark.
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