The Big Book of Small House Design, 1,250 Square Feet or Less,
Старое издание
Автор: Metz, Don Tredway, Catherine Tremblay, Kenneth Von Название: Big book of small house designs ISBN: 1579123651 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781579123659 Издательство: Abrams Цена: 9270 T Наличие на складе: Поставка под заказ. Описание: 75 award-winning plans for your dream house, all 1,250 square feet/116 square metres or less.
Автор: Gestalten Название: Small Homes, Grand Living: Interior Design for Compact Spaces ISBN: 3899556984 ISBN-13(EAN): 9783899556988 Издательство: Gestalten Рейтинг: Цена: 54710 T Наличие на складе: Есть Описание: Diminutive rooms, grand possibilities. Small Homes, Grand Living shows how to make use of a limited space and turn a small apartment into a design marvel. Small Homes, Grand Living's assortment of projects and homes pays homage to the iconic innovation within modest living areas and shows the creative usage of space in continually expanding urban areas. As more people across the globe move into cities, living space becomes a precious commodity. Designers, architects, and innovative inhabitants seek new ways of creating a home that is just as comfortable as it is functional and aesthetically pleasing. Where does one stow clothing, bicycles, suitcases, or bed linens? Where is the perfect place for the desk, bed, or couch? How does one use less square meters more effectively? Compact flats perched atop the roofs on high-rise buildings. A one-bedroom apartment that houses a family of four. Stairs that cleverly transform into wardrobes. A collection of cozy cocoons shows the personality and innovation of those living inside: a home is both shelter and a welcoming reflection of the residents. Small Homes, Grand Living offers real interior design solutions directly from the occupants' imaginations.
Автор: Kinugasa-Tsui Kenny Название: Big Design for Small Workspaces ISBN: 1864706791 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781864706796 Издательство: Images Рейтинг: Цена: 25030 T Наличие на складе: Поставка под заказ. Описание: Exploring the impact of the built environment and design on people with a range of neurological experiences, including autism, dementia, dyslexia and dyspraxia, this comprehensive guide shows how modifications to architecture and interior spaces can positively benefit the lives of everyone and advises on how to create and design `mind friendly` environments.
Автор: Baker, Lisa Название: XS - small houses big time ISBN: 3037682027 ISBN-13(EAN): 9783037682029 Издательство: Thames & Hudson Рейтинг: Цена: 32930 T Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ. Описание: Rising rents, the desire for a simpler life, the aim for sustainability, or the wish to posses a relocatable home: These are just a few reasons why the market for small houses has become increasingly popular in recent years. The "Tiny House Movement" lifestyle trend, which began in the Unites States, has spread throughout the entire world driven by the construction and financial crisis. Even though there are many regional variations, all residences of this type share a major feature - on an area of up to 60 square meters (500 square feet) they provide all necessities of life. Nowadays, they are no longer designed by individual solo fighters but also by renowned architects who take on the simple yet challenging task and develop the enthralling room concepts and spatial solutions that are presented in this volume.
Название: Small Homes: Short on Space, Big on Style (Homes World Wide - Compact) ISBN: 9089892052 ISBN-13(EAN): 9789089892058 Издательство: ACC-distribution titles Рейтинг: Цена: 14060 T Наличие на складе: Поставка под заказ. Описание: `Small Homes: Short on Space, Big on Style` is the first title in the new `Homes World Wide - Compact` series.
Автор: Phyllis Richardson Название: XS: Big Ideas Small Buildings ISBN: 0500341818 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780500341810 Издательство: Thames & Hudson Рейтинг: Цена: 14060 T Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка. Описание: An overview of cutting-edge buildings which focuses on small-scale, non-standard, idiosyncratic contemporary buildings and structures. Nearly 40 buildings are featured, each is presented in terms of its innovation and uniqueness, as well as its application toward standard building types.
Автор: Klemp Klaus, Ueki-Polet Keiko Название: Less and More: The Design Ethos of Dieter Rams ISBN: 3899553977 ISBN-13(EAN): 9783899553970 Издательство: Gestalten Рейтинг: Цена: 41530 T Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка. Описание: In recent years Dieter Rams has been rediscovered and celebrated as one of the most influential designers of the twentieth century. This hardcover edition of Less and More is the ultimate collection of images of all the products that Rams created throughout his career as well as selected sketches and models. In addition to the complete visual presentation of his designs, this book contains new texts by international design experts that offer a contemporary reevaluation of the entire body of Dieter Rams’s work.
Автор: Manco, Tristan Название: Big Art / Small Art ISBN: 0500239223 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780500239223 Издательство: Thames & Hudson Рейтинг: Цена: 19770 T Наличие на складе: Есть Описание:
Sjukskoterskans Omvardnadskunnandear den idealiska bokenfor svenska sjukskoterskor.Sjukskoterskans Omvardnadskunnandear baseradpaFundamentals of Nursingav Kozier, Erb, Berman och Snyder och den svenska utgavan har bearbetats avett mycket erfaret team av svenska forskare och forelasare.
Texten ar omfattande och har genomgaende ett praktiskt perspektiv som ger en grundlig inblick i amnet.
Boken tar bland annat upp omvardnadens historiska utveckling, lagar och traditioner, halsa och ohalsa, etikoch sakerhet i vardandet, infektionskontroll och hygien, hud och sar, fysisk aktivitet, atandet, vatskebalansoch utsondringar, smarta, akut omhandertagande, palliativ vard.
Pa ett pedagogiskt och informativt satt levandegors materialet samtidigt som studenterna far en god insikt i praktiskt arbete med hjalp av:
Berattelse fran vardeninleder de flesta kapitel och har som syfte att visa nagot som en sjukskoterska kan mota, med sikte pa kapitlets innehall.
OmvГЋВЈrdnadsprocessenar utover ett sarskilt kapitel ocksa en rubrik i flera kapitel. Dar papekas under Bedomning sadant som kan behova sarskilt observeras, anvandbara skalor och bedomningsinstrument presenteras och ges referenser.
Begreppetomvardnadsdiagnoserges utrymme, ofta med exempel fran NANDA-klassifikationen.
Nar det ar relevant presenteras denfysiologisom behovs for att forsta patientens symtom och varfor viss omvardnad behover utforas.
Forskning i fokus -forskningsstudier som anvands som stod i form av informativa rutor.
Arbetsledande synpunkterges i samband med omvardnadsatgarder som ofta utfors av annan vardpersonal och dar sjukskoterskan har ett arbetsledande ansvar.
Bokens hanvisningar till Vardhandboken gor att atgarder presenteras sakert och uppdaterat.
Birgitta Klang och Ingrid Thorell-Ekstrand (bada leg sjukskoterskor, doktorer imedicinsk vetenskap, tidigare lektorer vid Roda Korsets Hogskola och Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset) ar bokens huvudredaktorer. De har arbetat med ett mycket erfaret forfattarteam som tillsammans har bred kunskap och gedigen erfarenhet av undervisning inom (TM)mnet.
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