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The Architectures of Atelier Bow-Wow: Behaviorology

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Цена: 39120T
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в Мои желания

Автор: Atelier Bow-Wow
Название:  The Architectures of Atelier Bow-Wow: Behaviorology   (Бихевиоризм)
Издательство: Rizzoli USA
ISBN: 0847833062
ISBN-13(EAN): 9780847833061
Обложка/Формат: Hardback
Страницы: 304
Вес: 1.876 кг.
Дата издания: 01.07.2010
Язык: English
Иллюстрации: 300 colour
Размер: 30.43 x 21.95 x 3.30 cm
Читательская аудитория: General (us: trade)
Поставляется из: США
Описание: This interdisciplinary group of scholars-anthropologists, archaeologists, architects, educators, lawyers, heritage administrators, policy analysts, and consultants-make the first attempt to define and assess heritage values on a local, national and global level. Chapters range from the theoretical to policy frameworks to case studies of heritage practice, written by scholars from eight countries.

Inside Haute Couture: Behind the Scenes at the Paris Ateliers

Автор: Sadek Desiree
Название: Inside Haute Couture: Behind the Scenes at the Paris Ateliers
ISBN: 1419720201 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781419720208
Издательство: Abrams
Цена: 33870 T
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.
Описание: With exclusive photographs by Guillaume de Laubier and text by Desiree Sadek, Inside Haute Couture offers a private tour of 10 meccas of French fashion

Haute Couture Ateliers

Автор: Farnault, H?l?ne
Название: Haute Couture Ateliers
ISBN: 0500517711 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780500517710
Издательство: Thames & Hudson
Цена: 30110 T
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.

Sjukskoterskans Omvardnadskunnandear den idealiska bokenfor svenska sjukskoterskor.Sjukskoterskans Omvardnadskunnandear baseradpaFundamentals of Nursingav Kozier, Erb, Berman och Snyder och den svenska utgavan har bearbetats avett mycket erfaret team av svenska forskare och forelasare.

Texten ar omfattande och har genomgaende ett praktiskt perspektiv som ger en grundlig inblick i amnet.

Boken tar bland annat upp omvardnadens historiska utveckling, lagar och traditioner, halsa och ohalsa, etikoch sakerhet i vardandet, infektionskontroll och hygien, hud och sar, fysisk aktivitet, atandet, vatskebalansoch utsondringar, smarta, akut omhandertagande, palliativ vard.

Pa ett pedagogiskt och informativt satt levandegors materialet samtidigt som studenterna far en god insikt i praktiskt arbete med hjalp av:

  • Berattelse fran vardeninleder de flesta kapitel och har som syfte att visa nagot som en sjukskoterska kan mota, med sikte pa kapitlets innehall.
  • OmvГЋВЈrdnadsprocessenar utover ett sarskilt kapitel ocksa en rubrik i flera kapitel. Dar papekas under Bedomning sadant som kan behova sarskilt observeras, anvandbara skalor och bedomningsinstrument presenteras och ges referenser.
  • Begreppetomvardnadsdiagnoserges utrymme, ofta med exempel fran NANDA-klassifikationen.
  • Nar det ar relevant presenteras denfysiologisom behovs for att forsta patientens symtom och varfor viss omvardnad behover utforas.
  • Forskning i fokus -forskningsstudier som anvands som stod i form av informativa rutor.
  • Arbetsledande synpunkterges i samband med omvardnadsatgarder som ofta utfors av annan vardpersonal och dar sjukskoterskan har ett arbetsledande ansvar.

Bokens hanvisningar till Vardhandboken gor att atgarder presenteras sakert och uppdaterat.

Birgitta Klang och Ingrid Thorell-Ekstrand (bada leg sjukskoterskor, doktorer imedicinsk vetenskap, tidigare lektorer vid Roda Korsets Hogskola och Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset) ar bokens huvudredaktorer. De har arbetat med ett mycket erfaret forfattarteam som tillsammans har bred kunskap och gedigen erfarenhet
av undervisning inom (TM)mnet.

Iron Curtain Graphics: Eastern European Design Created Without Computers

Автор: Atelierul De Grafica
Название: Iron Curtain Graphics: Eastern European Design Created Without Computers
ISBN: 3899553942 ISBN-13(EAN): 9783899553949
Издательство: Gestalten
Цена: 8270 T
Наличие на складе: Нет в наличии.
Описание: Iron Curtain Graphics presents a selection of handmade graphic design, illustration, and typography from the Communist era that is startlingly innovative and colorful—and a unique inspiration for current cutting-edge work that takes its visual cues from past design ideas, concepts, and techniques rather than the latest computer-driven technology. The chapters Propaganda, Safety at Work, Culture & Entertainment, and Education & Science feature posters and signs as well as book and magazine covers that have not lost any of their visual impact today. The examples are a testament to how creative and experimental designers could be despite (or exactly because of) being bound by strict rules established by the state.

Interiors Atelier Am

Автор: Misczynski Alexandra, Misczynski Michael
Название: Interiors Atelier Am
ISBN: 0847838501 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780847838509
Издательство: Rizzoli USA
Цена: 36110 T
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.
Описание: Enter a world of interiors by Atelier AM, where classical proportions, varied finishes, and exquisite furnishings are masterfully combined, resulting in bold yet tranquil environments. A deft hand at creating interiors that mix materials, both rough-hewn and luxurious, antique and modern, marks the work of Alexandra and Michael Misczynski, the husband-and-wife team behind the Los Angeles–based firm Atelier AM. Only ten years after establishing their business, the couple has garnered a keen reputation for creating environments that are sensory experiences—visually sublime interiors enhanced with subtle, textural palettes. Seventeenth- and eighteenth-century furniture commingle with modernist pieces and ancient objects. Background colors and materials are muted and refined. Interiors Atelier AM showcases a selection of residences—each exhibiting the firm’s skill at mixing furniture and objects with backgrounds such as antique flooring and Venetian plaster, with bold and modern results. Their high-profile clients include Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise and the Michael Eisners. The photography of Francois Halard beautifully documents each project, educating and inspiring a new generation of interior designers and connoisseurs.

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