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Department Reports of the State of New York, Vol. 22: Containing the Messages of the Governor and the Decisions, Opinions and Rulings of the State Off, Erving William V. R.

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Автор: Erving William V. R.
Название:  Department Reports of the State of New York, Vol. 22: Containing the Messages of the Governor and the Decisions, Opinions and Rulings of the State Off
Издательство: Forgotten Books
ISBN: 0266191452
ISBN-13(EAN): 9780266191452
Обложка/Формат: Hardcover
Страницы: 774
Вес: 1.178 кг.
Дата издания: 19.09.2018
Язык: English
Размер: 22.86 x 15.24 x 4.14 cm
Поставляется из: США

Encounters; two studies in the sociology of interaction

Автор: Goffman, Erving
Название: Encounters; two studies in the sociology of interaction
ISBN: 1614274401 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781614274407
Издательство: Неизвестно
Цена: 11780 T
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.
Описание: 2013 Reprint of 1961 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Includes two studies: "Fun in Games" and "Role Distance". Erving Goffman (1922 - 1982) was a Canadian-born sociologist and writer and is considered one of the most influential American sociologists of his era. In 2007 he was listed by The Times Higher Education Guide as the 6th most-cited author in the humanities and social sciences, behind Anthony Giddens and ahead of J rgen Habermas. Goffman was the 73rd president of the American Sociological Association. His best-known contribution to social theory is his study of symbolic interaction in the form of dramaturgical analysis that began with his 1956 book, "The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life." Goffman's other major works include "Asylums" (1961), "Stigma" (1963), "Interaction Ritual" (1967), "Frame Analysis" (1974), and "Forms of Talk" (1981). His major areas of study included sociology of everyday life, social interaction, social construction of self, social organization (framing) of experience, and particular elements of social life such as total institutions and stigmas.

Interaction ritual

Автор: Goffman, Erving
Название: Interaction ritual
ISBN: 0202307778 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780202307770
Издательство: Taylor&Francis
Цена: 41380 T
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.
Описание: "Not then, men and their moments. Rather, moment and their men," writes Erving Goffman in the introduction to his groundbreaking 1967 Interaction Ritual, a study of face-to-face interaction in natural settings, that class of events which occurs during co-presence and by virtue of co-presence

Zu Erving Goffmans Werk Stigma. Der Umgang Des Individuums M

Автор: Ebers Malko
Название: Zu Erving Goffmans Werk Stigma. Der Umgang Des Individuums M
ISBN: 3638643158 ISBN-13(EAN): 9783638643153
Издательство: Неизвестно
Цена: 38020 T
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.
Описание: Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2003 im Fachbereich Soziologie - Klassiker und Theorierichtungen, Note: 1, Universitat Konstanz (FB Geschichte und Soziologie), Veranstaltung: Klassiker der Soziologie Erving Goffman, Sprache: Deutsch, Anmerkungen: Schwerpunkt der Arbeit ist das Werk Erving Goffmans Stigma. Behandelt wird insbesondere die soziale Interaktion zwischen Stigmatisierten und Normalen, sowie die Auswirkung auf die Identitat der Akteure., Abstract: Das Grundthema, das die meisten Arbeiten des amerikanischen Soziologen Erving Goffman durchzieht ist jener Handlungsbereich, der durch Interaktionen von Angesicht zu Angesicht erzeugt wird" (Hettlage 1991:29 nach Goffman). Eine Variation dieser Thematik behandelt Goffman in seinem 1963 in Berkeley geschriebenen Werk Stigma. Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. Hierin befasst sich Goffman mit der Frage >gemischter Kontaktesozialen Situation

Trial of John W. Webster, Erving Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy in Harvard University, Member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, of the Amer

Автор: Anonymous
Название: Trial of John W. Webster, Erving Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy in Harvard University, Member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, of the Amer
ISBN: 1275115136 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781275115132
Издательство: Неизвестно
Цена: 26280 T
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Essay on the Nature, Symptoms, and Treatment, of Asiatic Cholera.

Автор: Winslow George Erving
Название: Essay on the Nature, Symptoms, and Treatment, of Asiatic Cholera.
ISBN: 1275619657 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781275619654
Издательство: Неизвестно
Цена: 14240 T
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

Trial of John W. Webster Erving Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy in Harvard University, Member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, of the Ameri

Автор: Anonymous
Название: Trial of John W. Webster Erving Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy in Harvard University, Member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, of the Ameri
ISBN: 1275118275 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781275118270
Издательство: Неизвестно
Цена: 26280 T
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life

Автор: Goffman, Erving
Название: The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
ISBN: 0385094027 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780385094023
Издательство: Random House (USA)
Цена: 9090 T
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.
Описание: A notable contribution to our understanding of ourselves. This book explores the realm of human behavior in social situations and the way that we appear to others. Dr. Goffman uses the metaphor of theatrical performance as a framework. Each person in everyday social intercourse presents himself and his activity to others, attempts to guide and cotnrol the impressions they form of him, and employs certain techniques in order to sustain his performance, just as an actor presents a character to an audience. The discussions of these social techniques offered here are based upon detailed research and observation of social customs in many regions.

Erving goffman

Автор: Winkin, Yves Leeds-hurwitz, Wendy
Название: Erving goffman
ISBN: 143310993X ISBN-13(EAN): 9781433109935
Издательство: Peter Lang
Цена: 34430 T
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.
Описание: In addition to summarizing Goffman`s major concepts and his influence on other scholars, the book includes an intellectual biography, explication of his methods, and an example of how to extend his ideas. Readers are invited to consider Goffman as a lens through which to view much of the pattern evident in the social world.

Erving goffman

Автор: Winkin, Yves Leeds-hurwitz, Wendy
Название: Erving goffman
ISBN: 1433109948 ISBN-13(EAN): 9781433109942
Издательство: Peter Lang
Цена: 122830 T
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.
Описание: In addition to summarizing Goffman`s major concepts and his influence on other scholars, the book includes an intellectual biography, explication of his methods, and an example of how to extend his ideas. Readers are invited to consider Goffman as a lens through which to view much of the pattern evident in the social world.

Interaction Ritual

Автор: Goffman, Erving
Название: Interaction Ritual
ISBN: 0394706315 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780394706313
Издательство: Random House (USA)
Цена: 13910 T
Наличие на складе: Невозможна поставка.
Описание: In a brilliant series of books about social behavior, including The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, Asylums, and Stigma, Erving Goffman has exposed all that is at stake when people meet face to face. Goffman's work, once of the great intellectual achievements of our time, is an endlessly fascinating commentary on how we enact ourselves by our responses to and our readings of other people.

From the exemplary opening essay of Interaction Ritual, "On Face-Work," --a full account of the extraordinary repertoire of maneuvers we employ in social encounters in order to "save face"--to the final, and classic, essay "Where the Action Is,"--an examination of people in risky occupations and situations: gamblers, criminals, coal miners, stock speculators--Goffman astounds us with the unexpected richness and complexity of brief encounters between people. For Goffman, as for Freud, the extreme cases are of interest because of the light they shed on the normal: The study of the trapeze artist is worthwhile because each of us is on the wire from time to time.

Dr. J LP

Автор: Erving Julius W.
Название: Dr. J LP
ISBN: 0062253786 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780062253781
Издательство: HarperCollins USA
Цена: 17020 T
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.

An honest, unflinching self-portrait of the basketball legend whose classy public image as a superstar and a gentleman masked his personal failings and painful losses, which he describes here--from his own point of view--for the very first time.

For most of his life, Julius Erving has been two men in one. There is Julius, the bright, inquisitive son of a Long Island domestic worker who has always wanted to be respected for more than just his athletic ability, and there is Dr. J, the cool, acrobatic showman whose flamboyant dunks sent him to the Hall of Fame and turned the act of jamming a basketball through a hoop into an art form. In many ways, Erving's life has been about the push and pull of Julius and The Doctor.

It is Dr. J who has stories to tell of the wild days and nights of the ABA in the 1970s, and of being the seminal figure who transformed basketball from an earthbound and rigid game into the creative, free-flowing aerial display it is today. He has a long list of signature plays - he's famous for winning the first dunk contest in 1976 with a jam on which he lifted off from the foul line, and he made a miraculous layup against the Lakers on which he soared behind the backboard before reaching back in to flip the ball in on the other side, with one hand. He inspired a generation of dunkers, including Michael Jordan, to express their improvisational talents.

But Julius wasn't always as graceful and in control as Dr. J. Erving had a pristine image throughout his career and early retirement, but he was far from a perfect man. Here he gives detailed accounts of some of the personal problems he faced -- or created -- behind the scenes, including the adulterous affair with sports writer Samantha Stephenson, which led to the birth of his daughter, professional tennis player Alexandra Stephenson.

Though his marriage survived that infidelity, the death of Erving's 20-year-old son Cory in 2000 in a tragic accident proved too much for the union to bear. Erving paints a raw, heartbreaking picture of the dissolution of his marriage, as his wife Turquoise began to blame him for his refusal to be paralyzed by grief for as long as she was. Their intense arguments came to a head when Erving stepped out of the shower one day to find his wife holding a lamp in one hand and a vase in the other, ready for a physical confrontation. "I knew somebody was going to get hurt, and it wasn't going to be me," he says. He packed a suitcase and he and Turquoise never lived under the same roof again.

Erving's story is a tale of the nearly perfect player and the imperfect man, and how he has come to terms with both of them. It will appeal to readers on a sports level and on a human one.

--Kirkus Reviews
Relations in public

Автор: Goffman, Erving
Название: Relations in public
ISBN: 141281006X ISBN-13(EAN): 9781412810067
Издательство: Taylor&Francis
Цена: 38070 T
Наличие на складе: Есть у поставщика Поставка под заказ.
Описание: Until recently, to be in a "public place" meant to feel safe

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