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Crush, Silken

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Автор: Silken
Название:  Crush   (Сайкен. Краш: поэтический сборник юных дарований)
Издательство: Yale University Press
Издательство: Yale University Press
ISBN: 0300107897
ISBN-13(EAN): 9780300107890
Обложка/Формат: Paperback
Страницы: 80
Вес: 0.102 кг.
Дата издания: 15/04/2005
Серия: Yale series of younger poets
Язык: English
Размер: 190 x 145 x 6
Читательская аудитория: General (US: Trade)Tertiary Education (US: College
Поставляется из: США
Описание: Richard Sikens Crush, selected as this years winner of the Yale Younger Poets prize, is a powerful collection of poems driven by obsession. Siken writes with ferocity, and his reader hurtles unstoppably with him. His poetry is confessional, gay, savage, and charged with violent eroticism.

In her introduction to the book, competition judge Louise Gluck hails the cumulative, driving, apocalyptic power, and purgatorial recklessness of Sikens poems. She notes, Books of this kind dream big ...They restore to poetry that sense of crucial moment and crucial utterance which may indeed be the great genius of the form.

      Новое издание

Автор: Siken Richard
Название: Crush
ISBN: 0300246307 ISBN-13(EAN): 9780300246308
Издательство: Yale University Press
Цена: 15040 T
Описание: Finalist for the 2005 National Book Critics Circle Award in Poetry--an erotic, powerful collection

"One of the best books of contemporary poetry."--Victoria Chang, Huffington Post

"Vital, immediate, and cinematic in scope."--Library Journal (Best Poetry of 2005)

Selected by Nobel Prize laureate and competition judge Louise Gl ck as the 2004 winner of the Yale Younger Poets prize, Richard Siken's Crush is a powerful collection of poems driven by obsession and love. Siken writes with ferocity, and his reader hurtles unstoppably with him. His poetry is confessional, gay, savage, and charged with violent eroticism. In the world of American poetry, Siken's voice is striking.

In her introduction to the book, Gl ck hails the "cumulative, driving, apocalyptic power, and] purgatorial recklessness" of Siken's poems. She notes, "Books of this kind dream big. . . . They restore to poetry that sense of crucial moment and crucial utterance which may indeed be the great genius of the form."

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